The Advantages of Working With an Interior Designer

Design swatches and colored pencils

  • Saving Money: Ever bought a piece of furniture that looked great in the store but was way too big once you got it home? Ever painted three or four times trying to find the right color palette? Hiring an interior designer can help you avoid costly mistakes and help you make design decisions that can turn your house into a beautiful home for you and your family. 

  • Saving time: Time is the most valuable commodity. Hiring an interior designer will not only help you financially but also help you save time. Designers have experience and skills for orchestrating and bringing to fruition your project. What may seem like a daunting task to you is what designers are trained to do. Interior designers are experts at everything from planning and selection to construction, execution, and completion. Not only can an interior designer anticipate any impending roadblocks in the implementation of your project but they also know how to handle unanticipated issues that may arise during any phase of the project.

  • Professional Assessment: When you hire a trained interior designer, you get an immediate plan of action for your space. Professional interior designers went to school and have several years of experience to give you comprehensive and sound advice relevant to your project. A trained pair of eyes will see things you’re guaranteed to miss. Interior design is a delicate balance of creativity, logistics, and technicality, and an experienced designer knows how to balance all these aspects.

  • A Qualified Liaison: A professional interior designer will know how to speak the language when it comes to architects, contractors, and tradespeople. This skill is crucial in managing time and money. Strong communication between the interior design and lighting, furnishing, environment, and architecture is the key to the success of a design project. For example, proper outlet placement is going to depend on how you want your furniture placed. These types of issues need to be addressed before any construction begins and liaising with an interior designer will ensure that all the T’s are crossed, and I’s dotted.

  • Access to Resources and Contacts: It is common knowledge that finding reliable and good tradespeople is not easy. Hiring a designer will help you tap into a reliable network of expert tradespeople. Designers also have access to a lot of products, finishes, and fixtures, which are exclusive to the design community. With these resources, an interior designer will create a space that looks collected and unique to you (instead of the standard big-box retail products with limited variety).

  • The Wow Factor: Interior designers are trained to think creatively and spatially. Thinking outside the box is what designers do on a regular basis. You get a comprehensive and a well thought out space that considers everything including comfort, functionality, efficient use of space, materials based on your lifestyle, lighting, and environment. A professional interior designer will create custom-designed pieces to make sure everything fits perfectly and is a narrative of your lifestyle. At any given time a designer and their team are juggling several elements that go into designing a cohesive space. Often a designer will have 20-30 vendor products in one room to give it that unique curated look. Moreover, when the designer successfully executes all the design aspects of your space, not only will your home look aesthetically pleasing and unique, it will also be well planned and highly functional.

Contact Swati Goorha Designs for the best interior designer in New Jersey.

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