COVID 19, we will never live in our houses the same again!


The impact of COVID-19 will be significantly more far-reaching and long-lasting than we could ever have imagined. It is also true for interior design and how we live in our homes. Overnight, a house's function has changed from a place to entertain and retire in after a long day into a home office, home school, home gym, a chef's kitchen, and beyond. The importance of creating a safe abode that functions well for our day to day lives has become central to our lives.

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One of the most significant changes we have already seen due to the recent shutdown is the need for the home office. The shutdown and the possibility of a second wave of infection have made working from home a necessity. Progressively, a lot of companies have announced that they would encourage their employees to work from home. This shift has underscored the importance of the home office, and perhaps multiple workspaces in a house for working spouses. More people will need functional and aesthetically pleasing home offices that are practical and look presentable through video conferencing. 

A need to stock up and to spend an extended period in the house will necessitate an increased demand for storage space. This greater need for storage, including extra pantry space for goods, is also necessary so the items can be purchased and stored in bulk, decreasing the number of trips to stores.

Another design shift that will likely become even more prevalent in the wake of people's new lifestyle is the move away from the open floor plan. The last couple of decades saw massive popularity of the open floor plan. While the tide was already turning on that concept, this pandemic has brought about an immediate need for separate private and public spaces. The need for privacy and certain auditory conditions are both a factor in this shift. 

We have also seen a growing demand for a separate entry, where people can take off their shoes and disinfect before entering the house. And perhaps even a separate area for people to self-quarantine.

Besides the need for physical separation of rooms, there will also be a need for separation between work and relaxation spaces within the home for psychological and mental well-being. This pandemic has highlighted the topic of mental health, and more than ever, interior design will need to consider how the living environment can support mental health and well-being. 

Emphasis on Biophilic design, bringing the outdoors in through plants, green walls, calming water elements, and fireplaces, are all going to become an essential part of homes.  

The notion of house as a sanctuary is also reflected in how various colors, materials, and layout contribute to an environment that promotes well-being. The grey and white spaces that were great for resale but not particularly practical and uplifting if you have to spend an extended period indoors are on their way out. Progressively, we will see a need to express individuality with color and patterns. There will be a shift to mood affecting color palettes. Colors found in nature, like greens, blues, and earth tones, all promote a feeling of peace, calm, and well-being.


As the world begins to pick up the pieces and form new paths for the future, we will also see the emergence of more local makers and artisans. These makers will play a part in restoring the economy and stimulating communities. The design industry has always been a part of the response to the ever-changing conditions in the world, and this time is no different. Whatever the new challenges are, they will be met with innovation, creativity, and beauty to help transform this new era of design into a successful one. 

If you find that you would like to update your space so that it better fits your needs during the COVID-19 pandemic, contact Swati Goorha Designs. We offer our virtual interior design service, Ask an Interior Designer, as well as full-service interior design. We can help you redefine your home, so that it works for you. Contact us today.