A Letter From The Heart -Embracing Renewal: A Journey of Growth, Love, and Authenticity

Dear Friends,

Spring has arrived—a season of rebirth, a time to renew. Each year, I am reminded of the rhythm of nature: the quiet retreat, the restful pause, and the powerful emergence, ready to bloom fully into its potential. This feels like the perfect moment to write from the heart, reflect on my growth, and share the evolving journey of my design work.

Spring always brings the quiet strength of hibernation—the time to withdraw, gather energy, and then awaken with clarity and vigor, ready to reach our fullest bloom. Plants, animals, and all of nature follow this natural cycle, yet we humans often neglect this rhythm, leading to burnout and unfulfillment.

Lately, I’ve been learning from nature, drawing lessons on balance in both life and the spaces I create. Nature has thrived on this timeless wisdom for eons—why not embrace a practice that has endured so gracefully?

If you know me, you know that I have been on a spiritual growth journey for the past few years. Daily introspection, wandering in nature, and mindfulness have become central to my life. My travels have taken me to sacred places like India, Mexico, Europe, Mt. Shasta, and Sedona—each journey is an opportunity to learn from wise teachers and absorb the energy of ancient lands. I’ve spent countless hours lost in books, contemplating the words of philosophers, scientists, and spiritual texts.

Through all these experiences, one simple truth has emerged, weaving together all my travels, reflections, and discoveries.

I have come to understand that the essence of life lies in giving each moment, each task, our full devotion and presence. To truly live in the now—without distraction—is where the magic of life unfolds. How often, when with loved ones, does our mind drift toward dinner plans, future events, or unfinished tasks? We rarely offer our full attention to another soul—or even a simple task. In doing so, we create a sense of lack—a feeling that we are not receiving enough, that love slips through our fingers, or that we are forever wanting.

Yet the truth is simple: when we give our full attention to something, no matter how small, it expands and nourishes us. In that moment of pure focus, we are fulfilled. And in that fulfillment, we discover that we are never truly lacking.

Some of you may wonder how this all connects to design. A few years ago, I stood on the edge of burnout, uninspired and ready to walk away from it all. I longed to be anywhere but where I was. But through this struggle, a truth emerged: turning away from my work was a disservice to the creative gift I had been given and the people I was meant to serve. Though my clients may not have noticed—after all, their homes still appeared beautiful—I wasn’t offering them the authentic attention they deserved. That realization marked a turning point for me. I understood that my work had not been coming from a place of true authenticity. And for me, that felt like a betrayal—not only to my craft but also to the trust my clients had placed in me.

Through reflection, growth, and deepening maturity, I’ve arrived at a place of love—love for my work, my team, my clients, and all I’ve come to know. In this journey, I’ve come to understand that anything done with true devotion, love, and full presence can only bring positive energy into the world.

I’ve been meaning to share these thoughts, born from deep introspection, for some time now. But I wasn’t sure how they would be received. Perhaps some of you came here expecting design advice and may wonder, What is she talking about? But I’ve realized that approaching anything with true love and complete presence transforms into something sacred. I want to meet everyone I encounter as if they have been divinely placed in my path so that I might learn from them, share love, and grow together on this journey.

As I move forward, I will share how this shift in mindset shapes my work and how my craft and I continue to evolve on this path of growth.

With deep gratitude, I’m honored to walk this journey alongside you and share these insights.


Swati Goorha